You don't even know me so how will you judge me. You don't know the truth, you have only heard rumors and lies. The Bible says, "Judge Not lest you be judged." I don't need your approval to go on with my life. Only God can judge me.
You can learn a lot from other artists. I love looking at other people's work. I also like to study my own. What I did right and wrong when drawing a picture.
This is an old family photo. My dad isn't in it because he was away in the army. My cousin Bruce Berry was in it. He is the second from the right standing next to my twin, Eric. I was not that much taller than Eric I think I was standing on something. Anyway, he ended up being taller than me. Starting with my mom (Betty) and going counterclockwise, my oldest brother Allen, my twin Eric, my cousin Bruce Berry, my second oldest brother Bernard, and then me, Derrick.
Rain rain go away come again another day. It's rained most of the day today probably because of Hurricane Debby. It has already hit Florida and South Carolina. I guess it's making its way up the east coast.